era 08.08.08 y empezaron con 15 step. jonny con un hoodie pegandole a los tambores en there there fue un no mames.
ya la keppi se me habia perdido pero ni pedo. estuvo chingon
el segundo dia
no mames. no estabamos preparados.
3 canciones in empiezan KID A
"I was speechless when they played this. All i said was "wow!" Thats the only word that came to mind. Who the hell thought they were gonna play kid A?"
"This isn't my absolute favorite radiohead song in the world, and i was happier to see other songs that night (Planet Telex, Where I end and you begin, the bends). But this was by far the biggest surprise of that show, and it certainly was a pleasant one. I like how they reinvented the song live this year."
desde ahi ya sabiamos que iba para mayores
luego the bends
fuckin bends
el final no mames
exit music:
no surprises (bring down the government.. they dont speak for us.. ahhhhhHHHH)
y el 2 punch de airbag/fake plastic trees awevo
ya para ese entonces el jorch habia agarrado una morrita y yo aca agarrando cura con su amiga. un chingo de gente agarrando cura. fumando mota de ny. el carles atras muriendose
pero luego lo mejor
cuando quedaban no mas dos rolas para que se acabara yo rezando por planet telex, hasta le dije al carles no mames plan-- y de pronto se escuchan las primeras notas A LA VERGa y luego todo TUUUUU TUUUU TUUUUUTUUUUUU TUTUTUTUTUTU TUTUTUTU
y cerraron con idioteque. so awesome
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